Countdown and game duration

Started by Nigel_s, July 21, 2024, 01:07:00 PM

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How many turns are people finding the game lasts?

I ask because for me few games get beyond 5 turns. Often the attacker gets a 6th turn and then runs the clock out. I have no problem with that happening, such is life, and the attacker deserves an advantage. But I haven't found the average duration to be the six turns mentioned in the rules? And have never reached 7 turns.

What strategy do you adopt to managing the countdown? I've tended to find the attacker wants to slow the clock and the defender hurry it up. This Switching if attacker takes a couple of objectives.

In last games I tried as a defender to slow the clock down. Rationale being gives me more time to get and use reinforcements, perhaps even recapturing that nearest the attacker lost objective?

martin goddard

The intention is 11 turns total.

Assuming the average score is 3.5, with one player wanting high and the other low. The high low desire often swaps nearer the game end.
Five turns should be enough to carry out a plan and not have the opponent be able to succeed on one flank then move to deal with the other.
The 36 is just amde up number but does usually give time for the battle  to reach a plausible conclusion.

martin :)


If that's the intention Martin then it worked just right as five of the six gates went 6 for attacker, 5 for defender, so 11 in total.

martin goddard

That is good news Nigel.
Did you feel the games were long enough?

martin :)


I was playing at home, over an evening and the next day. So there was no 'club night' time pressure.

Game duration about 3 1/2 hours. But we're not rushing and enjoy a chat.

Personally I'd prefer a bit longer, 6-7 turns. To give time to get reinforcements fully involved, especially returning platoons which I find rarely get back in the game.

The uncertainty of countdown i really like, same for both players rolling with reroll decision to make.

I'd be comfy amending the countdown to suit available time and scenario. Might try 42 next time.

But I don't think you should change the rules at this late stage when they've been set at 36 from the start aces that works just fine.