PBI play tests

Started by Nigel_s, July 21, 2024, 01:00:35 PM

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I enjoyed a PBI binge last week. Six games. Used v98 of the rules and excited to report no issues or confusions. The games played well, were exciting, tense, forcing player decision making etc. and apart from one all close, down to the last turn, apart from the final game where my 1945 vet Russians found themselves alone on the table at the end of attacker turn 5.

My life long gaming mate brought his newly painted PP DAK company for the first two games. And in a surprising change from the wargames tenet that newly painted units always die quickly and horribly his DAK were packed up proudly undefeated.

DAK vet (attacker) vs US average - small win for DAK (7VP diff)
DAK avge (attacker) vs British vet - draw for DAK (1VP diff)

DDay 80
US raw Att vs German avge - good win for german (13VP diff)
German avge att vs British vet - major win for Brits (22VP diff)

Russian raw Att vs German avge - draw (4VP diff)
Russian vet vs German avge - massive huge off the scale win for Russians. So big we didn't count the VPs. I had all three objectives and had destroyed the German company. MMG support and king tiger 😀. An heroic effort avenging the desecration of the motherland. Company commander awarded hero of the revolution.

martin goddard

I hope that gives us confidence to unleash PBI on the gaming public?
Only play testing shows where the problems are. Thanks for doing the work Nigel.

I want to get back to some more PBI games but AK has started a forward roll with a lot of momentum.

martin :)

Sean Clark

Thanks for that Nigel. I'm looming forward to getting some games in when the published version lands.