Longships videos

Started by Sean Clark, June 22, 2024, 05:44:29 PM

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Sean Clark

Part 1 of my look at Longships. This covers the armies and the pre-game sequence.

Part 2 to follow in a couple of days with the actual game.

martin goddard

This is great
I will post it over to TMP too.

martin :)

Smoking gun

Hi Sean,
Your video needs a small edit, at 38 minutes it shows the first 6 minutes again.

I did enjoy it, I haven't got a copy of Longships so I found it very interesting and think the pregame campaign is an interesting little game in itself. Thank you.

Best wishes,
Martin from Grimsby

Sean Clark

Ahh...my Spielbergesque aspirations need to be toned down a bit I suspect 😂

Sean Clark

Part 2 showing laying out the scenery and preparing for battle!

Looks like I can't edit the previous video easily. Apologies for the repeat of the first part at the end.

martin goddard

Maybe it was the "flashback" scene Sean?

martin :)

Sean Clark

I'm aware that the last two videos are running parts of the video twice at the end. Not sure what's going on but I'll try to fix it!

martin goddard

I would not worry Sean. It creates good comment.

martin :)

Sean Clark

Apropos of nothing, I had a chat with Steven Spielberg who gave me some advice and I've now sorted out the cock up where some of the video repeats itself.

Looking forward playing the game out, hopefully later today.

Sean Clark

Sean Clark

Sean Clark

Final part of the Longships game.