I am seriously considering these rules

Started by Leman (Andy), August 14, 2023, 10:40:33 AM

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Leman (Andy)

Well, as stated, I am considering these rules for my Pony Wars collection. I have lokked at the Pony Wars rules and they just seem a bit old school complicated to me (well they do emanate from the 70s or 80s). I have a very nice collection of 6mm stuff, but have not yet had the incentive to put paint to metal. Anybody have any comments on whether I can use these figures with the Wild West rules. I am most interested in the 1870s Black Hills era of the West.

martin goddard

I can give a very biased angle but others will give a more balanced think. ???

martin :)

Colonel Kilgore

if you like "fast, fun and bloody", these could be for you Andy :)


Sean Clark

They are very different to Pony Wars Andy.

They are quicker, you don't need 600 mounted hostiles* and a game will fit on your regular table.

*I know you don't have to have all 600 hostiles, but you get the point.

Leman (Andy)

I definitely do not have 600 Indians, and never considered them, but having read through PW several times I just can't get my head round them. Probably age and declining brain cells. No offence re RCFM rules, but I find the ones I currently play easy to understand and, more importantly, great fun.

martin goddard

Then you are happy with what you have.
Stick with those.
No problems.
Rules are always a very personal choice Andy.
Enjoy what you enjoy.

martin :)

Colonel Kilgore

I think Andy's comments were primarily relating to Pony Wars, Martin?


Sean Clark

Yes the firing mechanism for multiple hostiles in particular confuses me. I've never had that with RFCM rules...roll a dice and hope for a 6 works for me  :)

I'm also reading this that its Pony Wars that confuses...Western is like many other square based RFCM games where the general is allowed to get on and be a general and not a mathematician.

martin goddard

I am sure Andy will clarify his thoughts.

martin :)

Leman (Andy)

Hello Martin, what I meant was I find the RFCM rules that I currently play (Bloody Barons, Square Bashing) easy to understand and great fun.

Colonel Kilgore

Thanks for clarifying, Andy. I don't think anyone here will be offended by your finding RFCM rules easy to understand and good fun :)

I find that the short, mechanism-specific videos that Martin has produced to be very helpful in understanding new rules. Videos 31 to 42 may reward the time spent watching them to confirm that Western is indeed for you: https://www.peterpig.co.uk/videos%20of%20game%20mechanisms.html


Leman (Andy)

Thanks for that Simon. A bit of insight goes a long way in decision making.