Company Architect

Started by John Watson, December 04, 2023, 03:24:27 PM

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martin goddard

Don't go anywhere without your asbestos glove chaps.

martin :)

Colonel Kilgore

Quote from: Sean Clark on December 05, 2023, 11:26:43 PMI don't think we should lose sight of the fact that for many years the core mechanics of PBI have given a wonderful company level WW2 game.

The tinkering is fine and whether the Architect book is absolutely historical is almost a moot point. It gives those players with intimate knowledge of history the chance to build a company and also those of us whose WW2 knowledge amounts to recognisng a  Sherman from a Panther the structure to build a credible company too...though one would expect all things considered the historian will beat the amateur with superior tactics.

I think it's an interesting point regarding paper strength and campaign strength. Im not sure any of use build a company with the attrition of a long campaign factored in...we'll  always manage to spend the last few points somewhere!

Some really interesting discussion. But let's not throw the baby out with the bath water! 🤣

Very good points, Sean.


Smiley Miley 66

I know my biggest problem is British tanks.
The Close Support versions mainly. Then AT ability late War.
There being 3 guns in WW2 used 3.7in howitzer that was smoke only, 3inch Howitzer that could fire smoke and HE, then the 95mm in the low that could fire both.
Also 1943 - 1944 -1945 AT ammunition for the Allies isn't given its fair reflection in how the same guns got better over the years ?

martin goddard

No need to worry about that Miles.

Differing ammo types and abilities for various British close support tanks is not an issue. There is a temptation to not have any close support vehicles at all in PBI as they are not typical to company structures involved in PBI actions. I will look into this. They could be used in scenarios and be great fun I agree.

HE  has just one rule that covers all HE from tanks. No changes or extra complication planned.

PBI is certainly not going to make British tank guns any better.
This may seem very unfair but Firefly 11 is going to have to be enough.

PBI work at the moment is concentrating on the more important issues of game mechanisms and
game balance.

There is no work planned to focus on specific named weapons.
Unlucky for Shermans armed with Typhoon rockets, Springers and V2 rockets.

martin :)

Smiley Miley 66

Funny enough it's not the Firefly I was concerned with ? As you say it's quite good as it is ?
More the 6 pdr and especially the Comet, the 77mm yes is a shortened version of the 17pdr APDS did bring it up in line with normal 17pdr in the game ranges encountered in PBI but isn't reflected in the Architect ?
But maybe this with the "Tulips"  and some of the other concerns can be covered in more specific Scenario based articles?
As I ve said before Normandy and the conflicts going into Germany after have a lot to answer for in making these rules a lot more complicated?