Do you turn turrets

Started by martin goddard, August 08, 2023, 09:54:08 PM

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martin goddard

When playing PBI do you rotate turrets for enjoyment or aesthetic?
Would you glue turrets in place for smaller  vehicles?

martin :)

John Watson

Sometimes and sometimes.

Big Mike

Yes and no.
I usually keep turrets unglued to enable movement (I always liked toys that had moving parts) and to detach them for safer storage. I have some 'bought painted' models with fixed turrets and the gun barrels are soon bent or broken. Plastic models with added magnets to keep the turret from flipping off are helpful. Martin's metal tanks etc are nicely weighted with decent ring mounts.
I wouldn't want rules in PBI that required a turreted gun to be "aimed", though.

martin goddard

I expect some skirmish games and Kelly's Heroes use tank turret direction along with ammunition supply monitoring.
Probably a 2 tank per side type game?

In the new PBI  players will need to make the right noise for MG, HE and tank guns.
Vocabulary to be agreed.
We still need a noise for smoke. Possibly "Cough"?  or WP "Cough, Cough".  The difference will matter.

martin :)

Colonel Kilgore

I don't leave my metal turrets loose. I feel that they're too likely to fall off and do damage, or at the very least scratch off paint on the turret ring in normal use.

Basing AFVs helps prevent glued-in guns from damage.



If I don't use magnets to hold turrets in place, I use bluetack which is a great substitute. I also always base my vehicles.


Sean Clark

Smiley Miley 66

Most turrets I keep loose. The FoW I usually use the magnets for?  But I have also use the supplied spigot as they can do the job well.
If need be I can direction the turret to the general direction that it is firing too.
I think after we have done the Factory Game, a Kellys Heroes game, would be good for next year ? If PP does do any shows next year ? As it can be run alongside the normal demo game to show how a normal PBI "full" game plays, with an obvious theme that most people would "sort of" recognise ? Obviously based on the last part of the film, trying to take the town and hopefully the bank after ?
Would the running Tiger engines and the bell ringing count as "noise" assets ? To mask movement?
Talking of Tigers, having that 88mm pointed in its prey's general direction does look good !

sukhe_bator (Neil)

I always glue my models regardless of what rules I might be using. I treat each vehicle as a sculpture/mini diorama. Most rulesets I have used for artillery in the past take field of fire from the corners of bases so precise aiming has never really been an issue. My basing for more modern periods is a natural extension of that. If you assume a 270-360 degree arc of fire then target 'acquisition' is quite literally pointless.



Particulary for AK47 where trucks, cars and so on feature a lot it's worth knowing that a base makes a toy in to a model! (Particularly valid for display games where Jo public may be a viewer.)



I do leave turrets free to turn. I know it's just an aesthetic but I do like to see the tank gun pointing where it is firing.