
Started by Forst22, April 09, 2023, 07:21:01 AM

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Colonel Kilgore

Well... a niche period, with few protagonists, not requiring thousands of sculpts, with little recent / decent 15mm coverage, and even with an RFCM ruleset that's already been developed.

Seems like an attractive project for the Peter Pig empire, n'est-ce pas?  ;D


Leman (Andy)

Not requiring a large number of sculpts, until you factor in the Imperial Guard with their different uniforms, including the artillery. Then there's the Bavarians, Brunswickers, Saxon cavalry and jaegers, Wurtembergers. Also the French sailors, Garde Mobile, the Francs Tireurs in their myriad uniforms. Then the greatcoats for the winter campaign. TBH I think the war in Bohemia in 1866 requires less (but someone would be bound to ask for all the different troops that took part in the Western Germany campaign).

Colonel Kilgore

You're not helping our case here, Andy  ;D


Sean Clark

Quote from: Leman (Andy) on April 22, 2023, 08:04:37 PM
Not requiring a large number of sculpts, until you factor in the Imperial Guard with their different uniforms, including the artillery. Then there's the Bavarians, Brunswickers, Saxon cavalry and jaegers, Wurtembergers. Also the French sailors, Garde Mobile, the Francs Tireurs in their myriad uniforms. Then the greatcoats for the winter campaign. TBH I think the war in Bohemia in 1866 requires less (but someone would be bound to ask for all the different troops that took part in the Western Germany campaign).

Think big, start small. Rome wasn't built in a day. The Perry's have only just released there plastic French to go against the plastic Prussians who've been out a while...and that's just one box. Having said that, 10mm seems well served with Pendraken. But if Peter Pig did start a range I'd be very interested.

Colonel Kilgore

My comment on the required breadth of a range was indeed based on that of Pendraken in 10mm, which seems to work well for many in that scale.

Leman (Andy)

TBH I sold off my 15mm collection years ago to go down the 10mm route as it was back in the days when the massive club game was the thing and 10mm made more sense then. However, I really like my 10mm collection, although yet to paint up my Red Eagle Wurttembergers and Franc Tireurs. As well as Walter Schnaffs I still have the occasional game of They Died For Glory (known affectionately down the Liverpool club as They Died For Nothing).