Using Mortars

Started by martin goddard, June 01, 2023, 03:04:56 PM

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martin goddard

Here is a discussion about using mortars in PBI.

My contribution.

Light mortars.
Lobbing the odd HE can be very good if the square is crowded otherwise the effect is small.

Medium mortars
These can do a really good job of pinning down and killing opponent squares.  I tend to use the HE so that I might get a kill along with a very good pinning chance (4,5,6 per kill).
I would use smoke if the enemy had lots of "better than me" tanks.

Mortars have improved greatly in desirability due to their turning up on 3,4,5,6  (was 5,6). Added to this the allowance to make up to a 7 base maximum with rifle chaps.

a 3 mortar ,3 rifle 1 officer (rifle)  mortar platoon would cost 57 points. That is very cheap.

martin :)

Colonel Kilgore

That's less than the cost of three Japanese tankettes, and with a bigger "boom factor" (should we trademark this term?  ;D).


John Watson

I must remember that mortars have to roll for hits, unlike off table HE. I found that the Japanese light mortars used in 3's were quite effective, unlike the British ones used singly.

martin goddard

Italians can have a unit of 3-8 light mortars.
A bit dead if caught by opponent infantry or cavalry though.

martin :)

Leslie BT

Mortars giving you smoke is very useful.