Official TT badges

Started by martin goddard, November 23, 2022, 06:36:01 PM

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martin goddard

Just like the masons the TT folk now have some badges and sashes
My  badge and silk sash arrived today.
I rather like them and shall wear them at the Thursday CK meet

martin :)  (smug)

Colonel Kilgore

Can you enlighten us as to what "TT" means in this context, Martin?

I could hazard a guess, but probably better if I don't  ;D


martin goddard

I think it means top tchanka?  It is also being used by  Hornby for their new 120th scale railway range.
Maybe they only sent one to me (of course).

martin :)

Colonel Kilgore

That would make you 'Top TT' then, Martin?


martin goddard

Sounds good. I will modify my badge.

martin :)

John Watson

Simon, it is a secret society otherwise known as Table Top.

Leman (Andy)

Many decades ago, when my kids were tiny, it meant terrible twos to me.