Newbie rule questions

Started by pw4379, November 29, 2023, 07:27:48 PM

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Hi, A few of questions from a game I played today.

1. If an active ward is adjacent to an enemy ward can it shoot in the shooting phase and then assault in the move phase? The sentence "The effect of ther two ranges is that the active player will shoot at longer and the passive player will shoot at all assaults" on page 53 has confused me.

2. Related to this can a ward shoot at one enemy ward and then assault another?

3. Is the enemy starting edge always assumed to be "forward"? If a ward moves or assaults sideways, does it turn to face that direction or remain facing the enemy edge? So if it moves sideways on two consequtive turns it would be two Rule of 11 tests?

4. Is there any priority in assaulting? Do you have to assault to your front, largest threat etc?

Thanks for any help.


martin goddard

Hello Philip

Here goes.
1. The active player usually shoots at longer range because he shoots and then moves. However, the active player may already be in face contact and can still shot before he moves/assaults. The target will still get a shot if assaulted but after the active player. The active player might inflict some disorders or kills  before the passive player shoots.

2. Yes. However it is better/wiser to shoot at the target ward in order to inflict out of orders and kills.

3. Forward is always toward the enemy edge. This means that moving sideways is always toward the table flanks. The 11 rule still applies.  If the table is NSEW (cardinal directions) then NS needs no 11 rule (except scenery exits) but WE needs 11.

4. No priority targets for assault. Alawys best to choose the weakest opponent zone

martin :)


Great. Thanks for the clarification.
The rule about not changing facing seems a bit odd?

Colonel Kilgore


Players may often turn the attacking figures to face their flank when attacking sidewise, simoply for the look of the thing, if that helps?

I rationalise "forward" and "flank" as seen from the whole army's perspective, not that of any given ward.


martin goddard

Simon is correct.
The  wonder of zones is that you can face the figures anyway that looks good and it makes no difference to the game play. Games without zones can often look poorer for having to have exact positioning.

martin :)


Yes. My comments wern't really a critisium. I like the rules although I have only played them three times. I am in the process of building my armies which will take me a while, but it is an exciting project I am looking forward too!