My first two White regiments for the RCW Squarebashing day.

Started by Sean Clark, August 23, 2022, 11:23:37 PM

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Sean Clark

I actually ordered these figures at the Ak day last year. Flags are downloaded from one the links posted a few months ago. The yellowish one is a specific fflag for q general whose ne escapes me, but i thought it was nice. Of course, with a different flag these would work just as well as Bolsheviks!


Quote from: Sean Clark on August 23, 2022, 11:23:37 PM
The yellowish one is a specific fflag for q general whose ne escapes me

Nikolai von Ungern-Sternberg (the "Mad Baron").


Colonel Kilgore

Sean Clark

Easiest bases ever using the Geek Gaming Scenics Base Ready range. Apply glue to the base...dip in the flcok mix, done. I have added a couple of tufts.

Sean Clark

Leman (Andy)


Beautiful work (painting, basing...) !
They look terrific !



sukhe_bator (Neil)

A lovely couple of characterful units you have there, Sean.

I opted to depict my Baron Ungern-Sternberg in his even Madder post RCW stage. A SYW Cossack body emulating the fur trimmed yellow Mongolian tunic he was fond of wearing with a WW1 Brit headswap. The flag is derived from the Mongolian Soyombo emblem.

Leslie BT

Leman (Andy)

Many thanks for the info about the Irish scenic company. G ood way for me to avoid customs duties.

Neil, your baron looks suitably in charge.