Charles at Edgehill

Started by j, September 04, 2020, 04:23:27 PM

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Not in the orbat as such, "King Charles is represented by a general figure accompanied by 1 base of veteran cavalry (the Gentleman Pensioners). Charles must remain on the Royalist base line of squares. If an enemy unit enters his square he is considered captured and the war is lost!"

Can this base contribute in a Fight?
I am assuming it does not count as a General as Charles did not actually command in the battle

Is it simply a token as a victory condition?

How should it be played?




My comment on this rule would be what is the use of the Gentlemen Pensioners? Surely including them with the King implies that they at least should be able to fight, perhaps the rule should be that if an enemy unit enters his square and defeats the Pensioners then the King is captured but if they are defeated the King has a chance to flee. He still loses the battle but lives to fight another day.


Colonel Kilgore

Quote from: Andoreth on September 04, 2020, 04:55:05 PM
My comment on this rule would be what is the use of the Gentlemen Pensioners?

An excuse to buy and paint more toys, and for Martin to sell more figures?

Surely that's enough?  :)

martin goddard

The intention is that Charles is captured if the royalist player lets Charles' square be over run.
You can "story" it by saying that the overrunning means that Charles has made a rub for it with the attendant morale effect upon his army.

If you put more detail into that aspect of the battle it may well distract players from getting on with the actual job of army v army.
This is similar to WW2 games which have an artillery observer depicted on the table. The opponent spends a lot of time chasing and assaulting the observer; whereas in reality he would be unseen and not part of an enemy  battle plan.


Sean Clark

As the author of this scenario, Martin is right.

The Gentlemen Pensioners are meant as a bodyguard for the King, and are there to fight if the square is attacked. If they lose, the King is captured and the war is over. Hurrah!

You can just as easily leave the King and the Pensioner base out and play as normal. They are there as a bit of 'colour.'

In playtesting, the results were even with 3 wins each. The King was never captured!