A tale of mountain folk and trains.

Started by Sean Clark, May 04, 2023, 07:06:26 PM

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Sean Clark

I posted the teain a while a go after building it having had it in the pile of potential for many years. As I near the ability to put a Mexican game on at home, I thought it was time I painted it. I'll probably buy another tender to make two trains which can be used in the game. It'll serve purpose in both Western and Civil War games, if only as scenery! I've yet to christen her....so suggestions welcome!

I'm not sure I've seen anyone post any painted Montagnards. This is the first batch, and I've just taken delivery of some more ready for the Montagnard game in the MOCB rules. Spurred on by starting our Tour of Duty campaign last week, I've also dug out the pieces for my Firebase (all Timecast bought long before Martin produced his, I'm afraid).

So tomorrow is game 2 and it'll be an NVA company seeking revenge for the successful search and destroy mission from last week against the local VC Cadre.

As ever  keep painting!

Colonel Kilgore

They look really good, Sean.

I've been struggling on how best to paint my "clothed" Montagnards, and had hoped someone would go first  :)


Sean Clark

There's not a lot of reference material. Apocalypse Now is an OK source. Any Google search shows th wearing anything from khaki to olive drab and everything in between. Mix in some civilian looking clothes, VC style pyjamas and French colours from Dien Bien Phieu and it's a real smorgasbord of choice!

More regular types still to do, plus some US Special Forces/Advisors.  Ive also got the figures for a veteran Australian company, ala Danger Close. Then it's just the ARVN and I'm about done  ;D

Colonel Kilgore

Thanks Sean. I was thinking initially of lots of bright shorts and T-shirts, but your more muted colours look very good.


sukhe_bator (Neil)

Loving the dusty, grubby, utility look of your train, Sean
I've been eying up the Montagnards - a lovely set of figures which I've been racking my brains about how to adapt/convert to different theatres.I think your treatment of them is correct. Muted colours would work better in a jungle combat situation.

Alas the Mexican Yaquis tended to wear trousers or loose rolled up trousers and a loose short-sleeved T-shirt or went bare chested and favouted either sombreros or headbands like the Apache. I think there was too much prickly pear about to consider wearing just a loincloth or breechclout :o...


Sean Clark


I took delivery of some Indians for my Mexican armies a few weeks ago and they'll be on the painting table soon.
The Monatgnards, especially the clothed versions, would work very well in AK47.

Today's job is to finish the Aussies, the US Special Forces and US Advisors which were started last night.


Really original... I like it !!

I also like the way the train is painted.

Great job !

Leman (Andy)

Unfortunately I lost my train in the move, as well as the rails. I will probably search around here for replacements. I like the way yours is painted to look as though it is doing hard work in a dusty environment.