Removal of units

Started by j, August 17, 2020, 03:13:02 PM

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Just received my massive Baccus order & starting to paint up Early War English armies for RoF2 whilst reading/re-reading the rules to get ahead of the game. I'm not sure when a unit is to be completely removed from the field so have a couple of questions.

p47 says "If a unit is reduced to 1 x ½ base it is instantly removed as Exhausted"
Can I, in the same turn,  allocate 2 hits to a unit that only has 2 hits remaining, or is it "instantly" removed as soon as it loses 1 hit?

Also, Artillery are single base units so only have 2 x ½ base equivalents - are they removed as soon as they receive 1 hit (leaving only 1 x ½ base) or can a damaged battery (described somewhere in the rules) carry on in the game until it receives a 2nd hit, still shooting at full effect because an odd ½ base still counts as a full base?

