Continuing the comments on PITS 2012.

Started by Leslie BT, November 03, 2019, 12:10:19 PM

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Leslie BT

Game of PITS today, forgot how different this rules were in concept.

I hope that Stewart and Martin enjoy their game.

Forgot to place the scenery around the objective rather the around the British start edge.

Leman (Andy)

I believe there is an alternative version of these rules about comfortable scouting in C18th France - Patrols in the Sedan............I'll get my coat.  :-[


So all these PITS threads are inspiring me to get playing again and  start an Egyptian force to go with my British and Dervish forces.
Now I currently have the first (2004) edition of PITS. So my question is, is the 2012 edition sufficiently different to make it worth my while to buy, or can I just work out the minor changes by looking at the 2012 play sheet on the PP site?
PP will get my money either way, but clearly I can afford to buy more figures if I don't get the 2012 rules too.

Hope that makes sense,


Stewart 46A

I can't remember the original version but in my opinion the 2012 version will have sufficient changes to have made  it worth play testing and producing


Yes, I think I will go for the newer edition.
I've been using Black Powder for bigger battles in the Sudan, which is okay, but for smaller actions I think it is time to go back to PITS.


Leslie BT

I have had a couple of games and here are some questions.

For the falter test can the Anglo-Egyptian player use volley firing or is it simple shooting?
When Dervish appear as a result of a successful "scout" how close to the scouter can they appear?
How many Dervish unit half's may be placed on the scenery each turn?

Stewart 46A

Les, I don't have my rules to hand but I think
1. I think it Depends how far the dervish are from the British unit, and is it not a D6 number of bases that can shoot?
2. I think it's outside opportunity shooting units appear as result of the event role, I think max of two units too occupied a scenery pice
But we can discuss further next weekend
Not plaid it since the 2017 weekend


Leslie BT

1. we had a unit of 6 bases, we rolled 6 dice and had 4 success, so we fired four bases, the unit was Anglo-Egyptian deployed in line.
2. Outside opportunity range would be at short range distance. If they are mounted scouts with carbines this would be at 4 inches, if foot 6 inches or is it measured from the dervish who might be spears. Rereading the dervish arrivals in Section 14 the distance is 1 inch. So I have found my answer.
3. Yes two half units and any deployed units. No limit on the number of deployed units other than the physical foot print.

Stewart 46A

Les, scouts are scouts, doesn't mater if mounted or foot , that's for the look if you have a mounted or foot force.


So I've received the 2012 edition now. Definitely worth buying as the rule changes while not huge do make the game better. The layout and general production of the rules is higher quality too.


Leslie BT

Mounted scouts scout differently, 'Scouting scenery' 20 on the playsheet, Dervish player gets a +1 if the scouter is mounted. Same on page 45 of the rules. Or does this just mean any mounted unit scouting, not scouts?
As you say scouts are foot regardless.

Penny has dropped, not explained any where though.