Bovington Tankfest

Started by Big Mike, June 22, 2019, 07:59:08 AM

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Big Mike

Guys, I have booked a ticket to Tankfest at Bovington for the Friday. Is anyone else planning to go. A Panther and Jadgpanther are visiting this year. Sunday and Friday tickets are still available.

Colonel Kilgore

Sadly not this year - but it's something I've been meaning to go to for some time.

Do please let us know what you think of it, Mike!

martin goddard

I cannot go Mike, bit you have chosen excellent weather. Well planned!

Smiley Miley 66

It's always good to go, but we have found having done Tankfest 3 years in a row, and staying at a local campsite too, to go the next day and have a few beers with friends etc,that going every other year is a better thing to do;otherwise it gets a bit same (y) ????? Other than an odd tank or two it was, we found the same as the last year ??? Especially as a gamer I am then back at the venue a week or two after for the Wargames show, then it makes Bovington a bit of a chore.

Leslie BT

Have agreat day out Mike, where is the Panther from?

martin goddard

Is the Panther the one confiscated from a private person in Germany?  Otherwise it is from the US collection that was sold off. Forget the name of the person who died (Littlefield?).

Leslie BT

Looking at the Bovi web site, it will be the one from Saumur.

'The 50 ton German war machine is part of the collection at the Musée des Blindés in Saumur. The restoration of the Panther and its transportation across the Channel has been generously funded by TANKFEST sponsors, World of Tanks'. 

Leslie BT

hope that you had a great day out and that it was not too hot to enjoy the show.

Leslie BT

Leslie BT

Colonel Kilgore

Nice clips, Les. I liked the Sherman doing what looked like a handbrake turn in the mud, and those big German tanks.