Anyone go to TABLETOP LIVE event at Alex palace?

Started by martin goddard, September 30, 2019, 07:22:34 PM

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martin goddard

This event is in its second year (2019).
Did anyone go along (28/29th October 2019)?
I am particularly interested in the historical miniatures component.  Games, traders and things to do with..


Stewart 46A

Are you going this year Martin?
Trader or putting s game on?

martin goddard

I got the date wrong
I think it was 28/29th September.
It will have ended now.

John Watson

After last year I would be very surprised if there were any war-games traders there, although there were some demonstration/participation games there. I believe that the organisers don't charge the games but d charge the traders.

martin goddard

John Watson

I gather it was a good show overall as I heard from a friend who was running a Pathfinder RPG that they had to set up  second table as they were inundated with people wanting to play.

martin goddard

Colonel Kilgore

Good job you missed this year's event then Martin  :D