ECW buildings

Started by Stewart 46A, July 27, 2016, 12:30:53 PM

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Stewart 46A

My attempt to do justice to the new Piggy buildings

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Colonel Kilgore


Those are very nice. I like the variety - the 2 different base castings look quite different, with the variation in roof colour being particularly effective.

Perhaps you could share your technique - was this a basic base colour followed by Army Painter, or something more sophisticated?


Leman (Andy)

They look very good and I am even more tempted to get some, but will rein myself in until Warfare - something else to look forward to.

Stewart 46A

Colonel, simple really,
I undercoated a light tan, then top coat of white,
picked out the windows with a blue/grey
wooden beams next
stone work and chimneys grey
then the roofs in what ever colour I felt like
then detail like barrels and door furniture
I then used army painter quickshade - strongtone
then when dry a matt varnish.
wont win prizes but look ok on the games table
took me 3 days start to finish

Leman (Andy)

The problem with winning prizes is that it would probably have taken thirty days rather than three, yet your end result looks great and would grace any war-game table.

Colonel Kilgore


Many thanks for the detailed explanation - a great result too.
