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Regiment of Foote (ECW) / Charles at Edgehill
September 04, 2020, 04:23:27 PM
Not in the orbat as such, "King Charles is represented by a general figure accompanied by 1 base of veteran cavalry (the Gentleman Pensioners). Charles must remain on the Royalist base line of squares. If an enemy unit enters his square he is considered captured and the war is lost!"

Can this base contribute in a Fight?
I am assuming it does not count as a General as Charles did not actually command in the battle

Is it simply a token as a victory condition?

How should it be played?



Regiment of Foote (ECW) / Removal of units
August 17, 2020, 03:13:02 PM

Just received my massive Baccus order & starting to paint up Early War English armies for RoF2 whilst reading/re-reading the rules to get ahead of the game. I'm not sure when a unit is to be completely removed from the field so have a couple of questions.

p47 says "If a unit is reduced to 1 x ½ base it is instantly removed as Exhausted"
Can I, in the same turn,  allocate 2 hits to a unit that only has 2 hits remaining, or is it "instantly" removed as soon as it loses 1 hit?

Also, Artillery are single base units so only have 2 x ½ base equivalents - are they removed as soon as they receive 1 hit (leaving only 1 x ½ base) or can a damaged battery (described somewhere in the rules) carry on in the game until it receives a 2nd hit, still shooting at full effect because an odd ½ base still counts as a full base?


Regiment of Foote (ECW) / Re: Battle Sheets
July 26, 2020, 03:23:47 PM
Thanks Simon.

Regiment of Foote (ECW) / Battle Sheets
July 25, 2020, 04:33:26 PM
RoF 2 says I can download free Battle Sheets but where can I find them?


Patrols in the Sudan / Brit Aid
September 14, 2016, 09:45:43 PM
I love PITS as an elegant yet quirky system - it pushes all the right buttons for me - BUT I have yet to see a British force complete a mission. They all seem to die, honourably, but horribly. Is it just me? Or maybe I'm missing something? Can anyone give me some tips on winning with Brits?


Regiment of Foote (ECW) / Re: Representation of units
August 27, 2016, 01:26:38 AM
Re: keeping units intact throughout the game, I see that

"All casualties are removed after a square carries out a morale test, regardless of when this morale test is taken. All casualty markers are also removed from any square that has just won a fight. This is because the square is elated having won a fight."

As it is recommended to replace each 1/2 base loss with a casualty base, would the removal of these casualty markers result in a smaller unit on the table? Or would it be ok that the unit seems to have had no losses unless further markers are placed on it?


Regiment of Foote (ECW) / Re: Representation of units
August 27, 2016, 01:21:33 AM
The wire grid square wold be easily moveable & could be placed on each face in turn if required. My reasoning is that we have pretty good spatial awareness so we kind of know if something is within range etc but a grid would give a handy visual confirmation if there was any doubt.

Regiment of Foote (ECW) / Representation of units
August 26, 2016, 01:27:25 AM
Just downloaded the RoF2 rules. Have to say I was very happy with the original version but this new take on it does interest me. I've just read through the rules briefly & like what I see, but have a couple of questions.

1. Would it matter if a unit of foote (or horse for that matter) was represented on 1 long base, the equivalent of the 3 bases in a sabot as described? As far as I can see, the footprint of the unit stays the same (with casualty bases filling in for those 1/2 bases lost) so would it not be possible to leave the unit as it is with markers denoting losses until it must leave the field?

I ask this because I am considering 6mm armies on a small battlefield, a little like travel chess.

2. Has anyone tried to play without the grid system? An early review said it would be possible but not how. I am considering a grid the same size as the frontage of a foot unit (90mm), using a wire square of 1 grid to be placed in front/flank/rear of those units to show what is available for shooting/moving. Anyone else given this any thought?


Abteilung / Re: Abteilung
August 17, 2016, 10:18:03 PM
Not my first Piggie rules but my first foray into WW2. While I was initially drawn to early war (don't like super troops) I eventually setled on post Normandy landings around about Operation Goodwood & ignoring the Americans - as they ignored our contribution ;)

I found them to be a thoroughly engaging set of rules which gave me the feeling of the period without getting mired in the exact millimetre of the Pz XXVII Mk XXIX Turbo Bollocks with Barbarossa  upgrades as used by 2 soldiers in the entire conflict.

They are a tad abstract but give a good game, including all sorts of scenarios & bring in many aspects of the period without bogging the player with tedious detail. Then again, I am easily pleased. Not.

I even bought some aircraft for the air interdiction even though they are not necessary for the game & am considering an Engineering section for each army.

In short, I am very happy with these rules & enjoy each wildly different game.

I am not sponsored by Peter Pig. Other figures are available. (I use 10mm. Sorry!)


Workbench and Suggestions / Re: wattle fences
July 29, 2016, 10:14:58 PM
All good info but does anyone have any data re: height of these fences? I need them for 10mm figures, either as fences able to be shot over or head height. It's really for decoration on BUA templates but has to look right.

Workbench and Suggestions / wattle fences
July 24, 2016, 12:56:55 PM
I've looked in vain on the net to find anyone who makes wattle/wicker fences in 12 - 15mm for my Celtic villages.
I REALLY don't want to have to make them from scratch in this scale :(
Can anyone suggest a source?

