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Messages - Benslie

1.   martin  = Carolingian HORSE army.
2.   Ben = Gauls or ancient brits if i can get chariots painted up in time
3.   Stewart. + complete table set up
4.   Miles= Macedonian FOOT army.
5.   Derek
6.   John= Parthians HORSE

just updating with army.

I'm down for that!

CK players
1.   martin
2.   Ben
Piggy Days and Competitions / Re: Battle days 2025
September 05, 2024, 05:01:33 PM
Conquerors and Kings  XX
Bloody barons  XXX
Battles in the age of War
Pirate land raids  XX
Pirate sea fights
Washington's army XXX
Regiment of Foote X
Civil war battles  XXX
Hammerin' iron  X
Western  XXXX
Patrols in the Sudan XX
Square Bashing
Fighting for Mexico   XX
Spanish Civil War XXX
AK 47   XXXX
Vietnam   XX

General discussion / Re: Paint Pot tray
July 16, 2024, 09:57:07 AM
The paints maybe, not the actual desk space!
General discussion / Re: Paint Pot tray
July 16, 2024, 09:43:06 AM
I have a wall rather than a tray, and a slight addiction to buying paints.. Just downsized and got rid of the full old vallejo game colour range recently, and have a couple of very unorganised drawers filled with paints i dont really use, accidently bought duplicates etc.
vast majority Games workshop paints put into dropper bottles, although i am going to be slowly replacing them with the new army painter fanatic paints as they are fantastic! a few vallejo model colour and airbrush ready paints down on the right with gw contrast paints on the left.

I have put it in the calendar! I have no relevant toys though, so will need to borrow some!

3.Big Mike
6.Ben - Southhampton
7.Ben - Weymouth
The 15 Mill / Re: Gamettes at WWW
July 09, 2024, 06:21:58 PM
 1. Martin = Petard
2. Simon = Viking Duel
3. Sean = trench raid and tunnel rats
4 Ben- duel

Gives me a small, manageable project to get done over the next few months!

Brilliant, thought I was going mad!

Been flicking through checking i've got most of the army upgrade options and reminding myself what they do, am i right that MMg's and Mortars don't have to pay AP to set up in this game? I can't work out if i'm just missing a really obvious rule or just picking out bits of PBI!

1. Martin.  Regular army. Full table set up.
2. Sean - Raw Anarchist. Full table.
3. Simon - Average Italian CTV
4. Ben L  -Assault Guard

Better get the last bits painted!

PBI / Re: Flamers
December 02, 2023, 10:26:15 AM
Like you say, needs more testing, but i did find the pinning really limited any chance at retaliation that game, although i think i really struggled to get rid of it? can't remember properly.

Better late than never right?

Miles - Hammering iron = Derek, Mike H
Stewart - Pirate land raids = Simon
Martin - C & K = Sean+John
Spare table - ?

Saturday Morning
Mike H - 1/600 Airwar = Stewart, Mike B
Miles - PBI = Sean, Simon
John - Washington army = Derek, Richard, Ben
Martin - CK

Saturday afternoon
Simon - Vietnam = Stewart,Miles, Mike H
Derek - western gunfight = Mike B, Richard
Martin - PBI =John, Ben

Saturday night
Stewart - pirate land raids = Derek, Ben(?)
John - SCW = Sean,Miles Mike H
Martin -  C & K = Simon,Mike B
Spare table - ?

Stewart - Large 12 x 4 Western game = Miles, Derek, Simon
Martin - PBI =John Mike H
Mat - Star Wars =
Spare table - ?

Sunday afternoon
martin- PBI - Miles(if the Western has finished)
I will be there with Gauls.

Martin. - German tribes
Simon.  - Late Roman
John.   - Scot's or Vikings
Stewart - Egyptians or Mongols
Andy/Ian  - Parthians or Romans
Miles -  Carolingians
Ben - Gauls

Conquerors and Kings / Re: Markers for the CK game.
August 18, 2023, 08:58:58 AM
I can have a little fiddle with markers if you would like Martin?

Eye Candy / Re: Riposte Musketeers
August 14, 2023, 03:00:42 PM
Quote from: Bankinista on August 14, 2023, 01:39:50 PM
Lovely figures Ben but I'm not sure that many of the Riposte Scenarios/passageways would have tufts of grass. As for a Cardinal figure...... Martin, you were the one who asked!


Whilst i agree, they were originally grey and it looked a bit boring, so they running through overgrown ruin passages, or tracks between fields or something... I didn't really think it through!