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Messages - KevinS

Just a note, as a new member who has been introduced to "AK47" playing classic, this past year, I was to start basing my figures from the old AK47, classic rules. As my collection has increased I have tried to incorporate a mix of bases for the new set: 3x4 for RCL, mortars, mgs, also some of my command bases. The majority of troops are on 3x3 (mostly 3 to each base) except the RPG,s (2 per base), I have now started to paint the rims of the base with unit colours. Also, I have put paper tabs with the name of my general's/leaders and officers, however, I have noticed (it was pointed out to me at the last game) that my labels are up side down🤔.  My next job will be up dating these (not sure yet) to rebase on 3x4, Jury is still out.
AK47 Republic / Re: Game 20th September using Version X
September 24, 2024, 03:19:20 PM
I'm a fire lighter, the benign dictator orders a "scorched earth" policy, just to keep law and order to stop these mercenaries from raiding our beloved lands🧐😄. We are also testing the rules. I am really enjoying the games of AK47 and out of the five games so far, I have won four (not that winning is the only reason) and the taking part and playing with a group/friends socially, brightens the whole experience/day.
After Action Reports / Re: PBI desert game
September 21, 2024, 10:50:36 PM
Very nice looking set up and hope that you won your game. Excellent terrain and look for to playing the new version of PBI🤓👍.
Just had a look at the dates for games/weekend next year, hopefully will be putting my name down (going to have a chat with Sean) for one or two (Ak47-PBI). Look forward in meeting the community 🤓
AK47 Republic / Re: Panting with shanty
September 10, 2024, 12:17:48 AM
The shanty buildings look really nice, I have even found the rat on them. I will be putting these on my bucket list for more terrain. Was having a go/making today for my special terrain piece, not over happy, might just put a few shanty buildings instead 🤔, they look so nice.🤓
AK47 Republic / Re: V for Vimto
September 10, 2024, 12:11:35 AM
I'm looking forward to Sean's and myself 's game of version V for Vimto, I am, also choosing a different force, (hoping to use some of my new painted troops) was thinking of something colourful with a special unit of seals for river crossing (only joking)🤔. Will take some pictures and put them on here later🤓.
General discussion / Re: Naming rules
August 22, 2024, 06:56:49 PM
What about "Beasts of the African Nation", this could/would cover a vast period of African history from the 1950's - 2000. All influenced by leading world nations of Europe and it's rush during the 19th century+and dominance of power, oil, copper, diamonds and  uranium.
Eye Candy / Re: You and whose army
August 21, 2024, 12:42:13 PM
The Dictator is in front of an arm's stash and the PPF Commersar is standing on a distorted building/bunker.🤓👍
Eye Candy / Re: You and whose army
August 21, 2024, 11:24:38 AM
Well here goes, the first painted figures/vehicles.for my AK47 armies: for the dictator force and the People's revolution force. Next project make up for the militia force, once I have cleaned and primed.🤓👍

AK47 Republic / Re: AK notes
August 10, 2024, 05:43:27 PM
Hi Sean, I picked almost the same force that I played with you. My militia were once again a force to up set the defender and my regular force (took a few casualties) moved over a hill and into the town, with support from the tanks, (taking out his techs). It was a very tense and interesting game with only a few points difference, so a good drew👍 for my troops/force. Martin's militia was a big force, and his reserves were slow coming on (not as bad as Neil's) and I,m clad that his tanks were also in reserve 🧐. Anyway I had a great game and Martin did invite me back (sadly daughter had booked a meal at a restaurant) which I will take up on my return.
AK47 Republic / Re: AK notes
August 09, 2024, 08:27:31 PM
Visit to Peter Pig.
 Firstly I would like to say a big 'Thank you' to Martin for the invite and a tour of the workshop. But also, for the very interesting intro,test play of AK47 People's Popular Front (or was that the name of my army)🤔 game we had. I will hopefully do a brief battle report of our fast, tense game making it a draw, with few points between my attacking People's army and Martin's defending force. Once again thank you Martin and I look forward to my return and the building of my AK47 forces that I purchased whilst there.
AK47 Republic / Re: On a jet plane
August 09, 2024, 08:03:11 PM
In reply to the enquiry of aircraft 1960-1980's a number of Russian Mig15-21 were used by a number of African nations. Also, a number of British aircraft's from 1960-1980's such as: Canberra, Hawker Hunters,vampires, jet provest (mostly trainers) BEA E5-6 lightings. I have a model's of Mig 17 and Hawker hunter, but hopefully will include a few helicopters, Wessex,Cobra and possibly Russian of sort.
AK47 Republic / Re: Vehicles in AK
August 04, 2024, 09:20:27 PM
I agree with Martin, most weapons mounted on impressed vehicles were more dangerous to those on and in the vehicle.🤓
AK47 Republic / Re: Dogs of War film
July 22, 2024, 06:55:10 PM
Dogs of war is a very good film (little dated now) followed by wild geese, but if you want to watch more in-depth films try: ' 15 minutes of war'(based around FFL and Somalia highjack of a school bus), 'beasts of no nation', (boys soldiers), battle of jaboville (in Irish soldiers in the 1960's), blackhawk down (us troops in 1980s) and my favourite 'tears of the sun (us special forces to rescue a doctor).  I have to much time, but I do like to research my new projects.