I've had to re-order my entire modern collection (ALL Peter Pig) and Vietnam collection (all Flashpoint) after the figures all went missing a couple of moves ago.
If anyone's interested, this is the long and short of what happened (re-posted from FOF) and it was quite tragic.
No longer on the back burner, but a steep hill to climb. Thanks for listening.
If anyone's interested, this is the long and short of what happened (re-posted from FOF) and it was quite tragic.
QuoteI've moved alot over the years and in the past 10, I've moved more times than I care to admit. That said, I've been in my current place for over 3 years now and it feels more like home than many places I've been. When I finally settled in and decided I would get back into gaming, I took stock of the stuff that was in boxes I'd been lugging around over the years since splitting with my ex, and realized that ALL of my painted 15mm miniatures had disappeared with no explanation. All my Flashpoint US and VC figures, all my Peter Pig US Modern and Insurgent forces...... gone.
I usually keep very good track of my stuff, so I'm unsure how these could have went missing. The only saving grace was all my 15mm choppers and flight stands for both Nam and moderns were found. I'm more upset about the figures because painting 15mm was a right pain in the ass and I was happy I'd slogged through enough painting to have 2 full collections.
Everytime I see my vast collection of 15mm middle east buildings (painted) I think...... oh man.... to get to use those, I need to paint a crap load of minis. I have since bought back all the Peter Pig mini codes I'm missing, as well as jimmi helping me out with some Flashpoint packs, but geez.... so much painting to do to get my 15's back where they were. Needless to say, due to all the effort required, that project is waaaaaaay on the back burner for now.
No longer on the back burner, but a steep hill to climb. Thanks for listening.
