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Messages - BeneathALeadMountain

General discussion / Re: Western Gunfight rules
October 03, 2023, 11:46:23 PM
Apologies a bit late to the thread but...... Your buildings look great Derek and I have some top secret information to depart as you're using 28mm (washes his mouth out  ;D ). Whilst at Colours I saw Stuart from Great Escape and in his obvious shock that I was still alive (I'm so used to it I recognise the look!) he let me into a secret; that they're releasing plastic buildings to go with the range soon. It may have already been announced but hopefully that's something to look forwards to.

Eye Candy / Re: WW2 - U.S paratroopers (99% PP)
August 02, 2023, 04:29:52 AM
Xavier thank you - the French website is one I'd forgotten and had recently been wracking my brain as to what the site was called as there were a few bits I'd like.

Terrain and Figures / Re: Desert Jeeps
August 01, 2023, 11:02:03 PM
And I just bought a half patrol to play DAK Attack. Bum. Well I'm not super sold on the 3D printed jeeps I have and I don't have decent Vickers K's so maybe I'll have to add them to some future purchase; they are very charming. What bad timing by me  :(

Terrain and Figures / Re: New Desert buildings
August 01, 2023, 10:58:33 PM
That's really nice Nick (mentally adding to my wish list) although I fear Martin's buildings may make my rather basic mdf+ attempts look rubbish in comparison  ;D

Eye Candy / Re: WW2 - U.S paratroopers (99% PP)
August 01, 2023, 10:52:37 PM
Anatoli - apologies a bit late to the thread but inspirational stuff; your Normandy project sounds excellent. Who makes the walled farm building? I really like the colour scheme - that particular grey I find hard to replicate but yours is perfect and I really like the building (I can think of a few settings it would be fine in).

I love Martins miniatures as they portray such character that (due to the clarity of sculpt) they're easy to paint even to a basic standard yet each could be a little artwork if that's your wish. The addition of a goodly range of poses and the fantastic head range to allow a huge number of possibilities for conversion or just subtle repositioning (I tend to re-head a lot as I like the variety and posing the little chaps).

I agree with Col.Kilgore that P47 looks like it's actually flown, really nice.

Thank you for posting, looking forwards to seeing what's next....

Workbench and Suggestions / Suggestions for Martin
July 18, 2023, 11:04:37 PM
I realise that you are always working and adding to your ranges (love the LRDG bits) but hopefully these are simple additions with minimal hassle:

In the vein of your excellent M2 and on sticks guns (which adorn every Flames of war vehicle I own as they're so superior) would there be a possibility of Vickers K (twins) and a Lewis gun on a stick (also MG34/42 on a stick would be useful) they could be a mix of horizontal or even tilted up at 45°.

Thank you for your time,

Martin that is very kind and would be much appreciated. I placed my order earlier (Order No: RC26398222 postcode NP11 4SP) but if that's already on its way (I swear previously you've delivered miniatures to me before I even ordered them  ;D ) I'll have to start planning my next purchases  ::)

I've just tried to purchase my shopping cart again - whilst the PayPal and Pay by card buttons both stated they'd failed to load this time (again) when I clicked the proceed to checkout button and it took me to fill out my details below there was (now) a button to take me to the card payment system (every previous time there had been no button present and this option had previously seemed like a dead end) so I paid through that.

So hopefully I've purchased my small list of chaps but still not with the lazy, one button PayPal option (which is still temperamental - I think it must be the button as I had the same issue on Android and iPad). I will ask my friend when I next speak to him in case it's a known thing, sorry I couldn't be more help.

Panzer21 Yes (I think so) I'm BeneathALeadMountain on LAF aswell. The Pegasus ones are lovely but seem far too big for the one true and chosen scale. It's my own fault for not managing my hobby funds better when they were first found. I'm specifically trying to do Tunisia and the prickly pear patches were an important bit of terrain I wanted have available.

Thank you for pointing me to Serious Play, shame I missed them, I shall continue hunting (or maybe I should go back to sculpting and home casting some if I can).

Thank you all, I shall continue to keep trying to buy my LRDG crews from the site and keep you updated

I'm a different Andrew but fine with any variant of my name.

To add some miniature talk to this technical message thread I'm excited to be trying to buy Martins new LRDG crew and heads and some other bits to populate the resin LRDG half patrol vehicles being printed for me. I'm also waiting for the arrival of DAK attack rules for solo LRDG shenanigans so I can use the desert (admittedly more Tunisia) terrain and German/Italian forces I have stalled in completing. If you are one of the people that managed to buy the resin sheet of prickly pear cacti with weird glue (Martin?) when I was looking do you have any hint on where to find them? I missed them and can't find any trace.

Back to tech:

I've tried again using my iPad and got the message stating there was a problem loading the PayPal button.

I went to my high tech Samsung pocket computerised telephone thing (I use it for pictures of models and my pets and very, very occasionally to phone people) and when I got to the payment option for Roman cart the PayPal button was "slightly transparent " or greyed out - like a place holder for a button. Again I got the message saying there was a problem loading the PayPal button

I will keep investigating (which will involve repeatedly trying to buy more minis and hassling my technically minded friend) and report back. If you want to see the screen shots from my iPad and phone I can email those to you if you suggest the correct address.

Martin, I will keep trying and report back. Not complaining just didn't want it to go unnoticed and PP suffer.

Apologies if this is a known thing but over the last couple of days I've tried to buy a few packs (LRDG bits) and the PayPal button (or the other options) doesn't seem to be working (It returns a button not working message). This may be due to me using an iPad or something else but I thought I aught to bring it up in case it's an actual problem.

Thank you Martin. If I could have a price/code for the basic metal set you'd provide in the halftrack pack (sans halftracks - I'm guessing each track will use one short one long?) and a code/price for how ever many 50 and 30 cal chaps would be in a pack/suits you that would be great. I've some other bits and bobs I want to spend b'day money on but I'm happy to do it in separate orders (whatever's easiest).

I would say, as the colonel suggests, it should definitely be a one click option in the store (if viable/possible) as other companies crews are rubbish comparatively (imho) and the majority of the time I end up re-heading (flames of war) or sculpting my own where I can't use yours.

Thank you
Martin I know that you are continually working and whilst I have a wish list of figures I hope this is a much simpler request.

Would it be possible to put the US WW2 halftrack crews and gunners as a separate code (without the halftracks) in the shop as I have halftracks aplenty but not your crews to man them? I don't know how the moulds are arranged but I'd buy more chaps on the MG's for other vehicles as well.

Thank you for taking the time to read this,

They are perfectly serviceable together. Peter Pig are better sculpts, some of the Battlefront stuff is good (nearly PP) but some are plain odd (less so with modern packs - the old x shaped cartwheeling commandos are my favourite ;D ).  I tend to redo Battlefront crews and figures/damaged figures by re-heading them with PP heads and they match perfectly and are improved for the addition (but there's not always anything wrong with them I just like them to match my infantry).
