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Messages - Lee Robertson

Eye Candy / Re: Samnites **not PP**
April 16, 2020, 11:36:01 AM
Good God man! Your armies make mine look like finger painting!!!

Well done indeed! Very impressive!
Eye Candy / Re: Goths **not PP**
April 16, 2020, 11:26:03 AM
Superb looking army. I agree with Anatoli; the mass effect REALLY nails it!!
Kilgore, thanks for posting a link to my blog. I just didn't think to do it myself to be honest as it was on my profile.

Quebec, glad you like them mate, hopefully there will be plenty more where these have come from...

...and Martin; really happy to have impressed mate. My Polish Black Brigade and my Slovak Rychla are probably the projects Im most proud of to be honest :)
Eye Candy / Re: You and whose army
April 08, 2020, 12:06:23 PM
Some good points well made there.

Personally I do all of my painting by firstly doing a trial figure so that I can test out the colour schemes and contrasts and make any adjustments that I need to before I paint too many of them and make a mistake all but unfixable (because of my own laziness probably!)

Once I'm happy with the trial figure ALL of the other figures are glued along batons of wood so I have unrestricted access to all parts of a figure so that I don;t have to pull some sort of gymnastic contortions to get in there with my brushes.

Once all figures are painted and based Ill stick them to their bases, grout, sand and paint with the foliage going on last.

There is always paint overlap when I paint the bases so I jsut do a final touch up on the shoes once everything else is done to bring back some uniformity. If the ground is supposed to be less dry than in Aragon though I will probably leave the overlap and just explain it away as mud on the shoes...

Personally Im happy to pay this trade off in exchange for unrestricted access to all angles on a figure :)

Eye Candy / Re: You and whose army
April 07, 2020, 11:40:36 PM
Thanks Radar.

I actually hate having to do basing because it just takes me so long to work up to a basing standard that I like. Im happy with these ones though.

Hopefully the rest of my SCW stuff will be up to it as well

Eye Candy / Re: WW1 Serbs
April 06, 2020, 10:24:33 PM
This is a great looking army. Especially love your command base.Very evocative! Well done!
Eye Candy / Re: You and whose army
April 06, 2020, 10:22:10 PM
Thanks Simon, always happy to be part of a modelling crowd...

Thanks guys, glad you like the work.

Sadly Martin I dont have any more SCW stuff to show at the moment as I am neck deep in renovating a house BUT once I get my games room all squared away the SCW will be occupying a couple of years of my painting time I think so there will be buckets of it to show...

Until then though if you are interested in the modelling side take a look at my blog because there is about 5 years work on there...  ;)

Shucks! Praise from Caesar is praise indeed.

Thanks Lluis
Eye Candy / My Spanish Civil War Carlist Requetes
April 06, 2020, 12:10:12 PM
Hi all,

Im new to the forum but I thought I would make my first post one to show you all my Spanish Civil War Carlist Requetes

Hope they make the grade

Eye Candy / Re: You and whose army
April 06, 2020, 02:30:43 AM
My Spanish Civil War Carlist Requetes
