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Messages - pw4379

Bloody Barons / Re: Newbie rule questions
November 30, 2023, 10:58:58 AM
Yes. My comments wern't really a critisium. I like the rules although I have only played them three times. I am in the process of building my armies which will take me a while, but it is an exciting project I am looking forward too!
Bloody Barons / Re: Newbie rule questions
November 30, 2023, 08:19:13 AM
Great. Thanks for the clarification.
The rule about not changing facing seems a bit odd?
Bloody Barons / Newbie rule questions
November 29, 2023, 07:27:48 PM
Hi, A few of questions from a game I played today.

1. If an active ward is adjacent to an enemy ward can it shoot in the shooting phase and then assault in the move phase? The sentence "The effect of ther two ranges is that the active player will shoot at longer and the passive player will shoot at all assaults" on page 53 has confused me.

2. Related to this can a ward shoot at one enemy ward and then assault another?

3. Is the enemy starting edge always assumed to be "forward"? If a ward moves or assaults sideways, does it turn to face that direction or remain facing the enemy edge? So if it moves sideways on two consequtive turns it would be two Rule of 11 tests?

4. Is there any priority in assaulting? Do you have to assault to your front, largest threat etc?

Thanks for any help.

Hi, A few of questions from a game I played today.

1. If an active ward is adjacent to an enemy ward can it shoot in the shooting phase and then assault in the move phase? The sentence "The effect of ther two ranges is that the active player will shoot at longer and the passive player will shoot at all assaults" on page 53 has confused me.

2. Related to this can a ward shoot at one enemy ward and then assault another?

3. Is the enemy starting edge always assumed to be "forward"? If a ward moves or assaults sideways, does it turn to face that direction or remain facing the enemy edge? So if it moves sideways on two consequtive turns it would be two Rule of 11 tests?

4. Is there any priority in assaulting? Do you have to assault to your front, largest threat etc?

Thanks for any help.

Square Bashing / Objective placement
October 03, 2019, 08:53:15 AM
Not a rule query, but an open question.
What is the thinking behind allowing the defender to place the objectives in SB?

It seems to me that it would be the attacker who would decide what what objectives were important to him/her. The defenders job is to hold whatever line / positions he/she is in. Simplest example would be in the case of trenches, where the point of attack would be decided by the attacker, not the defender.

Would it not be more logical for the attacker to make a note of the objectives he has set him/her self - the defender to deploy NOT KNOWING THESE - then the attacker deploy.

I am not sure what this would do to the balance of the game, but if it is a better reflection of a battle situation then other things can be flexed to correct the balance.

Interested to hear peoples views.


Square Bashing / Re: Newbie questions
October 01, 2019, 09:46:39 PM
Hi, yes Clevedon would be of interest. A bit of a hike for me, but doable now and again.

Square Bashing / Re: Newbie questions
October 01, 2019, 07:17:09 PM
Brilliant. Thanks ;D
Square Bashing / Re: Newbie questions
October 01, 2019, 06:35:18 PM
Hi Martin,
Thanks for the prompt reply, really helpful.

Regarding the High Command, just to clarify, you can order 3 different squares in one turn PROVIDED each passes it's test (as you say that depends on the distance)

Square Bashing / Re: What’s left? Wish listing.
October 01, 2019, 05:53:54 PM
Must Agree that English Eastern forces would be nice - shorts etc
Square Bashing / Newbie questions
October 01, 2019, 05:38:59 PM
Just had a second run though on the rules, this time without expert guidance, so a few questions please.

1. Am I correct that you can select Hasty defence for your terrain? In this case does it still cover 2 squares?

2. With the Point barrage it says 1D6 hits per square. Do you throw 1D6 and use for each square, or throw 1D6 per individual square? i.e one square might get 1 hit, another 6.

3. High Command has 2,3,or4 attempts to issue orders. If successful with 1 dice can it issue further orders to other squares or can it only issue orders to 1 square per turn?

4. If a unit with a "winning the fight" marker is assaulting from a second square can it count the marker, or is that only usable by the main assaulting unit?

5. It is possible for a unit to be wiped out but still win the melee! what happens then?

Sorry for all the questions, but help with any would be appreciated.
I really like the rules so far and would like to play more and ensure that I am playing correctly.
Regarding that are there any other players in Somerset that might want to get in touch and help me out with a game or two?

Look forward to hearing from you and thanks in advance.
