Yep, gone into something different. A bit inspired by Mikes wonderful rules. Great game at a squadron level. I decided to go into the dog-fighting side of things and immediately looked at Blood Red Skies(BRS).
ON first read and a little solo play I have had to make a firm descision not to use these rules. Yes they have some very interesting concepts that are generally well executed. However, like a lot of rulesets they seem to have a lot of major holes in them (not going into details here.
So that means creating a ruleset that, while partially based, on some of the concepts in BRS, will differ. I do like the scale and there is quite a wide range of aircraft availability. I'm initially consentrating on the Pacific theatre mid war so air-power is resonable still in the balance.
It will be hex based so as to iliminate measuring and speed things up.
First three lots of aircraft coming along nicely and have figured out what basing I will be using for the first 3 flights of aircraft (Zero - photo attached), F4F and RAAF P40 kittyhawks to defend northern Australia(having problems sourcing decals for these in scale so may have to take liberties with this aspect).
More pics to come as and when things are ready.
This is not to detract from Mikes great work but to compliment it.
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I like them Derek, and the basing showing them above the cloud is great!
Who makes the models?
Those are the Zero's supplied with the Midway Version of BRS. The others being the F4F. Get 6 of each in the box.
The P40s I obtained from RocWorks which I think are even better. I have ordered some more models from them. B25, SBD Dauntless, Judy s and Lilly s so each side will have a fighter flight, light and a medium bomber flight.
The bases made are in 3 sections all magneticaly joinable so no changing things, just put straight onto another section and hey presto. They will all have a tail of cloud so driection of the aircraft can be made out from that if they move slightly.
I will be marking ammo markers (5 per plane) all to be placed against the pole( more little magnets) and 1 removed each time firing. Trails of smoke when hit.
Even have working rules from bombing/torpedoe attacks using BRS rules pretty well.
When I say a new ruleset its more a modification to the BRS set to replace the concepts that just dont feel right. Suprisingly not that many. Plus a few mods to take into account playing on a hexmap.
Her are the P40s and F4F. Decals still to be applied
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Try miscmini Derek. They have Aussie Kittyhawk decals at 1/200 scale.
Thx John, knew someone would come through for me. Order placed
Japanese Zeros now done (apart from a matt varnishing).
Photo shows the flight circling part of a naval task force. New mat (72 x 48) from Wargames direct - Etsy £50 inc p+p. Lovely detail on it.
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IM thinking of using my 1200 scale fleets with them but want the surface unobstructed by raised items.
They look great, Derek. And the mat really does work well.
First 3 flight done .
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Zero flight from Kaga
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Fighting 6 Flight from USS Enterprise
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75 Squadron RAAF (Port Morsby)
Next is making a nice transparent hex-map to use them with. Then start the next flights. Have some Judy and SBD. A flight of B25 and Lily bombers. They are a bit larger than the fighters so may have top rethink the basing for them.
Nice work, Derek - they look mighty fine.
You can buy transparent hex sheets. I had one years ago to play with gladiators.
I found this on the interweb - I presume other options are available:
Thanks for the link. Had a look and they only got to A1 size which would be a little small for what I need. (44 x 44"). Well on the way with it now though so will persevere.
Gave up trying to do it with a ruler so its freehand traced over a collection of printed sheets. Not too bad really.. Will put a picci up here once its done.
The only issue I have with it is shine-ness but have that figured (I think) Coat it with talcum powder and brush it round. Seemed to work well with the sample piece I did first and leaves a hazy cloudy type effect which would be perfect for what I am trying to achieve.
I dislike marking up a lovely battle map that I may want to use for non-hex based gaming.
Great to hear you have started to game air wars. The 1/200 scale planes look very nice indeed.
We'll be at Beachhead this weekend launching the WW2 Air War rules for 1/600.
Great News Mike. I look forward to my autographed copy....... Yes I will buy it as I do like your rules.
I did have a go using the Blood Red Skies and wasn't overly keen on what I found. Some good concepts which work well but just give the feel of air combat of the period in my opinion.
Going to bodge together my own. Hopefully keeping it down to half a dozen pages Mine will be the skirmish game to your company level one hehehe.
Look forward to seeing you.
Kawasaki KI 48 (Lily) ready to fly.
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They look wonderful, Derek!
Had some time so fought first solo game with my fighters. Flight of F4F vs Zero. Zeros out-turn and outrun the F4Fs as was historical. Only saving grace for the Americans was the amount of firepower they threw in when they had the chance and that their planes were tougher. Japanese may come to regret not having any armour or self-sealing fuel-tanks in the planes.
Hmmmmm, was going to post some pics here but website seems buggy and wont let me for some reason.
Ah well, The zeroes drew first blood which was swiftly returned in spades. Final result 3 zeroes down and 3 heading back to their carrier. F4Fs 1 downed pilot, 3 damaged aircraft being escorted by the remaining aircraft.
Only element that needs further work on is the stands. I found that when in close proximity and not close in front of me I found it wasn't obvious if they were 3 blocks high or 2. This is due to the irregular "clouds" on the top block. Can resolve this with a coloured line or blob applied to each facing on each block.
Will try again later to get some piccies up.
Typical, seems to be working now:
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Bandits, 3 O'clock (what did American pilots say - this sounds far to British)
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The furball starts
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Honour earned on both sides.
Looks good Derek
You going to be ready to put a game on at the WWW?
Yep, need to work out level/dive bombing and torpedo attacks and good to go. Still need 2 more flights of planes yet. Need torpedo planes for both sides then can have a full strike mission.
Full game took me about 2 hours and that was feeling my round things for the first few turns. Its hard to play an air-game evenly when you are playing both sides :) Think you could get a good game in about 90 mins as really limited in ammo. Only 5 shots per plane which would be about right on the 30 seconds or so of shooting they had.
Latest additions to the air-fleets
SBD Dauntless Dive bombers
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Mitchell B25 (No 2 Sqn RAAF) - Escorted by a SBD (for scale)
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Japanese VAL Torpedo Bombers arrived today.
Lovely models, Derek!